Please cite the AlpiLinK project and website in the following manner:

Rabanus, Stefan, Anne Kruijt, Birgit Alber, Ermenegildo Bidese, Livio Gaeta, and Gianmario Raimondi. 2023-. “AlpiLinK. German-Romance language contact in the Italian Alps: documentation, explanation, participation”. In collaboration with Paolo Benedetto Mas, Sabrina Bertollo, Serena Bissolo, Angelica Bonelli, Dario Capelli, Jan Casalicchio, Raffaele Cioffi, Patrizia Cordin, Michele Cosentino, Silvia Dal Negro, Alexander Glück, Joachim Kokkelmans, Adriano Murelli, Andrea Padovan, Aline Pons, Matteo Rivoira, Marta Tagliani, Caterina Saracco, Emily Siviero, Alessandra Tomaselli, Ruth Videsott, Alessandro Vietti & Barbara Vogt.